
Tuesday May 11, 2021
117: Ed Wiley | Christians Can Laugh Too
Tuesday May 11, 2021
Tuesday May 11, 2021
Ed Wiley joins Amber to talk about his journey to becoming a comedian in the faith space, and how his role as goat farmer and homeschool dad often buffers his political jokes. Be prepared to laugh and to learn a little about differing views among Christians, and what it’s like to navigate that as an entertainer.
Christians Can Laugh Too Episode Questions:
- (8:21) So you’re a comedian, goat farmer, homeschool dad, impressionist, but I need the scoop on being a homeschool dad. You have six kids, what does life look like for you as a homeschool dad?
- (15:00) Exactly what do goat farmers do?
- (22:34) At what point did you realize comedy was something you wanted to do as a profession?
- (41:53) What are some challenges of stand up comedy in the faith space?
- (51:39) I am a huge fan of George W. My affection for W. continues to grow, so will do an impersonation of George W?
- (55:38) I love that your family is a huge part of the work you do. What are some of your favorite songs or videos you have done with them?
Quotes to Remember from Ed Wiley | Christians Can Laugh Too:
“Wherever you are in life today, just be thankful that you didn’t make the decision to own as many as 57 goats at one point.”
“Annie and I, my wife and I are the deleted scenes from Chip and Joanna, we will tell you the real deal.”
“It’s very rare for someone to launch into comedy and to be making enough to support a family…It takes a long time, you have to bomb a lot.”
“Professionally, you’re working at it, you’re working at the craft to pursue excellence and leaving the outcome to God.”
“When things started picking up for me I made a decision to take two of my girls, who really love performing…[and] we started doing bits together, and traveling around the country.”
Resources Ed Referenced:
- Anita Renfroe
- If Trump Were A Youth Pastor bit by Ed Wiley
- Tim Hawkins
- Leanne Morgan
- Everything Wrong With Church Lock-In’s by Leanne Morgan
- If Joel Osteen Was Your Pharmacist by Ed Wiley
- George W. Calls Texans To Get Biden’s Number by Ed Wiley
- What People Say When They Find Out You Homeschool, Ed Wiley with his daughters
Connect with Ed Wiley at edwileycomedy.com and FB
Follow Grace Enough Podcast on IG and FB
and www.graceenoughpodcast.com
Episode Sponsor:
Kaleidoscope's vision is to help kids and parents bridge the gap between storybook bibles and adult translations, which are written at a high school level or higher.
Take 10% off today with the code: GRACE.

Tuesday May 04, 2021
116: David & Krista Dunham | Eating Disorder Recovery
Tuesday May 04, 2021
Tuesday May 04, 2021
David and Krista Dunham join me to discuss eating disorder recovery and their journey through Krista's eating disorder that is chronicled in their book, Table for Two: Biblical Counsel for Eating Disorders.
Questions Discussed with David & Krista:
- (3:27) Krista, you wrote, "As a Christian, it frustrated me that knowing, loving, and following God hadn't completely protected me from succumbing to an eating disorder." Take us back to when you first began to struggle with addictive food behaviors. Share a bit of that journey with us and the struggle that ensued for the next 10 years.
- (6:50) David, what was your experience, as Krista's husband, in those early years of her eating disorder?
- (9:31) As we discuss eating disorders, will you share how they parallel addictive habits?
- (12:27) Krista, you write about the importance of the sufferers' readiness to change. How would you describe your process of readiness?
- .....
Quotes from Eating Disorder Recovery Episode:
K: "[T]here was a point that I discovered it [eating disorder] had more of a hold on me than I had on it."
K: "I really thought that knowing God, knowing everything I'd learned growing up was going to protect me from something that terrible. I think I had been naive to think people who struggled, just didn't have the right kind of faith and it really opened my eyes to to something different and even open my eyes to the fact that I thought good morals were the same as being obedient to God."
D: "When she first divulged this problem, I immediately wanted to be helpful. I was concerned. I cared. But the longer it stretched on, the less confident I felt and the more frustrated I got."
D: "That seems to describe a lot of people's experience with eating disorders. What gives them pleasure also causes them to feel trapped and trapped, particularly in cycles of shame."
D: "I think as a helper, it's important...to be able to say to the sufferer, 'This isn't square one, you're not starting all the way over. You're just having a difficult road at the moment.' Try to keep the focus on moving forward versus feeling like I've started all the way back to the beginning."
K: "I think what really changed for me was just realizing that there's this slow, steady obedience to getting better and not figuring something out and moving on from it [quickly]."
D: "Peter talks about casting your anxieties on Him, because He cares for you. He's able to be in control, but not just, He's in control, He also loves us. So it's better to put control in His hands than to try to hold on to it in our own."
Related Episodes:
Episode Sponsor:
Kaleidoscope's vision is to help kids and parents bridge the gap between storybook bibles and adult translations, which are written at a high school level or higher.
Take 10% off today with the code: GRACE.

Tuesday Apr 27, 2021
115: Mary Synder | Take the Stage
Tuesday Apr 27, 2021
Tuesday Apr 27, 2021
Mary Synder joins Amber to discuss being a writer and speaker and how she transitioned to tour producer and speaker coach. We also discuss her job with Compassion International, handling fame as a Christian, celebrity and her podcast Take the Stage.
Questions Mary and I Discuss:
- (2:49) Share a little about how you came to know Jesus and your early faith journey.
- (6:00) When did you know you wanted to be a writer and a speaker?
- (12:29) What were some disappointments you faced as a writer?
- (15:16) You are also a speaker, but at some point in your career you transitioned from speaker to speaker tour producer, speaker coach, and more. Share a bit of that journey with us?
- (24:50) How do you remain grounded and focused on the ministry of Jesus in a world that can often become more about fanfare and audience response?
- (29:14) You work for Compassion International. What do you love about working with Compassion?
- (33:24) Tell us about your podcast: Take the Stage
Quotes to Remember:
"I dove headfirst into God's word. I started soaking up everything I could. I did Beth Moore Bible studies because again, I'm Southern Baptist, that's what we do, at least back in the 90s."
"But I knew back in the 90s, that I wanted to bring the message that God is good and that Christians aren't stuffy."
"I knew that I wanted to embody the humor that God had given me and bring it in front of people. I could be funny, and still honor the Lord."
"There is danger in putting a cap on your own gift. If God has uniquely equipped you, and you feel the calling to step on to whatever stage that is, whether it's your local church, or a Facebook Live, step out in full authority, keeping your eyes firmly fixed on Jesus."
"If you never ask the answer's no."
"My favorite tour ever was the Encounter Tour with Lysa TerKeurst. And the reason that's my favorite is that's my baby. I created it."
"I've watched people all of a sudden, believe in their own fame. And it here's why it happens because they've not given somebody authority in their life, to speak into them."
"We have to stop worshipping people."
"We push them up on the pedestal. Then, when we knock them off or they knock themselves off, because they do knock themselves off. We sit around and applaud."
"What I love about working with Compassion is we release children from poverty in Jesus name."
"Compassion works through the local church and it's only through the local church."
Related Episodes:
Connect with Mary Synder at maryrsynder.com
Follow Grace Enough Podcast on IG and FB
and www.graceenoughpodcast.com

Tuesday Apr 20, 2021
114: Heather Creekmore | Body Image
Tuesday Apr 20, 2021
Tuesday Apr 20, 2021
Heather Creekmore joins Amber to discuss negative body image, how we make body image an idol, and the greatest transformation story of all–salvation.
Body Image Questions Heather and I Discuss:
- (3:59) You are a follower of Jesus who speaks to the spiritual root issues of body image. What is your personal journey with body image struggles?
- (7:19) What happened when you realized I have body image struggles and I am going to do something about it?
- (11:17) Like so many Christians you didn’t experience body image help by hearing “just love your body because God does” or “focus on how you are fearfully and wonderfully made”, so what did help you shift your mindset and begin seeing your body in a positive way?
- (16:07) In your book Compared to Who you contrast the modern concept of self-esteem with what the Bible says about loving God, our neighbors and ourselves. Will you share a bit of that contrast with our listeners?
Quotes to Remember from Heather Creekmore | Body Image:
“By the time I got to college, I was feasting and fasting consistently.”
“That’s when He showed me that I was chasing a body image idol and that was the spiritual root of my issues.”
“I think what happens too often, even in the church, is that we take Scripture, and we turn it into self esteem mantras.”
“God did make us for a purpose. We are his masterpiece. We’re the imago dei. We’re made in the image of God. But if we turn all the focus on us, as we remember that it’s almost as foolish as looking at the Mona Lisa and praising the Mona Lisa instead of praising Da Vinci.”
“If you are a believer and following Jesus, He’s given us a before and after story that is so much more awesome than losing some weight or transforming our bodies.”
Related Episodes:
Connect with Heather Creekmore at comparedtowho.me
Follow Grace Enough Podcast on IG and FB
and www.graceenoughpodcast.com

Tuesday Apr 13, 2021
113: Trillia Newbell | Celebrate God's Creativity
Tuesday Apr 13, 2021
Tuesday Apr 13, 2021
Trillia Newbell joins me to discuss her book geared toward elementary aged students, Creative God, Colorful Us. We discuss laying a foundation for the image of God in man, the image of Adam in man, and the diversity of the family of God.
Questions Trillia and I Discuss:
- (3:31) Share with our listeners a bit of your faith journey. When did you come to know Jesus?
- (5:52) You have been writing about diversity for years, but your approach is not from a political point of view, but as it relates to the church. Share a bit of why diversity is a topic we must discuss in the church.
- (7:38) Your writing is multi-generational and as a mom of 3 young children I am grateful for that. Your newest book Creative God. Colorful Us. is written with the elementary age child in mind. How do you break down for elementary age kids the idea that they are made in the image of God?
- (11:54) What impact does being made in the image of Adam have on our relationships?
- continued
Quotes to Remember from Celebrating God's Creativity:
"God is creating a people of every tribe, tongue, nation, in His image, everyone, every person, whether they know Jesus or not, bears the image of God."
"Over and over again, in the Scriptures, you see God calling people to Himself, from every tribe, tongue and nation."
"We are made in the image of God to reflect Him in His character. So these would be communicable attributes. He is kind, we can be kind, He is loving, we can be loving....I am helping people see that we have, by His grace and kindness, the ability to reflect Him, but not only the ability, we bear that witness whether we even know it or not, that any good thing is really from the Lord."
Resources Mentioned:
- Book: Creative God, Colorful Us
- Book: God's Very Good Idea
Related Episodes:
Connect with Trillia Newbell at trillianewbell.com
Follow Grace Enough Podcast on IG and FB
and www.graceenoughpodcast.com

Tuesday Apr 06, 2021
112: Gracia Burnham | Hope After Being Held Hostage
Tuesday Apr 06, 2021
Tuesday Apr 06, 2021
Gracia Burnham joins me to discuss on her missionary life with Martin, being held hostage by the Abu Sayyaf, and God's provision during the 20 years since being freed from the jungle and losing Martin.
Questions Gracia and I Discuss:
- (4:38) You met and married Martin and eventually moved to the Philippines where you served as missionaries for 17 years. Tell us what led you to the Philippines and what ministry looked like for you and your family while there.
- (7:56) What makes you say Martin was born to fly in the jungle?
- (10:01) You and Martin decide to take a rare trip alone as a couple to celebrate your 18th wedding anniversary. Walk us through what happened on May 27, 2001 at the Dos Palmas resort.
- (12:17) Who were the Abu Sayyaf?
- (17:30) You and Martin, along with many other captives were held hostage by Abu Sayyaf, but the majority were released. Why did they keep you and Martin for another year?
- (19:51) How would you describe the conditions overall?
- (22:37) What thoughts about your kids would go through your mind during captivity?
- (24:27) Martin often was the one that would kind of pull you up when you were down.. What were some of the things he would say to point you back toward the Lord?
- (26:02) 911 put you and Martin in the forefront of people's minds. What happened after 911?
- (29:56) How did the events of June 7, 2002 unfold
Quotes to Remember:
"Our job to run a good flight program and Martin wasn't just an ordinary pilot. He was born to fly in the jungle. And he loved what he did."
"Martin just knew how to get a loaded Cessna down on a short jungle strip and get it stopped in the next few hundred feet."
"These militant Muslims stormed the resort. There was a banging on the door. Before Martin could even get to the door these three guys within M-16's broke the door in and one took him right out. One of them came over to the bed and lowered his weapon at me and yelled, 'Go go go!'. And I said, 'No, no, no, I'm not dressed properly.'. They took me out to after I put on what I'd worn to the beach that night.""At the very beginning, they told Martin we will deal with you last. You'll be political prisoners."
"For the most part, we hiked. We moved all the time, because we were trying to stay in front of the Philippine military who were trying to rescue us."
"Every once in a while, we would come to a place where we thought we were safe....and we would spend weeks. During those days [we were] totally bored. We were either exhausted or we were bored and witnessing the atrocities."
"This huge gun battle, number 17 (we've been through 16 of these before), this Rambo style shooting up the camp... and before I could hit the ground...I was shot in the leg and kind of slid down the slick grass....I came to rest beside Martin and I looked over at him and he was bleeding from his chest. I knew from experience that leg wounds might heal, but chest wounds don't."
Connect with Gracia Burnham at graciaburnham.org
Follow Grace Enough Podcast on IG and FB
and www.graceenoughpodcast.com

Tuesday Mar 30, 2021
111: Sharon Betters & Susan Hunt | Aging With Grace
Tuesday Mar 30, 2021
Tuesday Mar 30, 2021
Sharon Betters and Susan Hunt join me to talk about Aging with Grace in an anti-aging culture. We discuss Psalm 92, healthy rhythms women can establish to help as their bodies slow down, and the value of investing in younger and older women.
Questions on Aging and God's Word Discussed During Our Conversation:
- (5:11) What do you mean when you say, aging with grace?
- (12:57) How would you encourage women in their 40's-50's to appreciate and press into what comes with the agingprocess?
- (18:46) What are some healthy rhythms and practices women can establish now that will help them continue to agewith grace as their bodies slow down?
- (26:12) Let's say a woman is listening who is 50-65 and they are in a season of helping their aging parents, spouses, and/or personal health declines. The exhaustion is real and so is the sadness. What would you say to encourage those women?
- cont.
Aging with Grace Episode Quotes to Remember:
Susan: "The reality is, there's no way to stop aging. The wrinkles and the weakness will come. So if youthfulness is our goal, first of all, that's a pretty shallow goal, but it will also disappoint us terribly. But the gospel offers something so much bigger, so much better, something that's eternal."
"In Psalm 92, God holds before us, a remarkable promise, a vision for aging. Let me read verses 12 to 14, 'The righteous flourish, like the palm tree, and grow like a cedar in Lebanon, they are planted in the house of the Lord, they flourish in the courts of our God, they still bear fruit, in old age, they're ever full of sap and green'."
Sharon: "I started thinking about what it means to grow in grace. It was a seed that was planted and there would be other events that would start nourishing it and growing it, but it was there in my heart I had to make a choice which one was I going to be a life giver or a life taker? I'm so thankful for those life giving women way back then to this little young girl."
"Each loss is a reminder that we don't belong here. When we're God's children, when we know Him through Jesus, we are on our way Home. And so each loss is a memory of that and that can drive us to the cross."
Resources Mentioned:
- Book: Aging with Grace by Sharon W. Betters & Susan Hunt
- Aging With Grace Free Resources
- Westminster Catechism
- Book: Spiritual Mothering by Susan Hunt
Related Episodes:
- 104: Susie Rowan | Bible Study Fellowship, Executive Director
- 84: Sandy Cullum | When Your Faith Walk Changes
- 66: Tim & Darcy Kimmel | The Influence of A Grandparent
Connect with Sharon and Susan at agingwithgrace.online
Follow Grace Enough Podcast on IG and FB
and www.graceenoughpodcast.com

Tuesday Mar 23, 2021
110: Caroline Bailey | From Barren to Blessed
Tuesday Mar 23, 2021
Tuesday Mar 23, 2021
Caroline Bailey joins me to discuss becoming barren at age 11 due to a hysterectomy following a life threatening infection, fostering parenting, adoptive parenting, and working in the child welfare system for 20+ years.
Questions Caroline and I Discuss:
- (1:59) At age 11, a defining event took place in your life. Will you share about that portion of your childhood, the illness you experienced, and a little about that defining event?
- (8:14) You knew you would never have biological children, but when did you begin to grieve that reality and what was that season like?
- (11:35) Did you grow up in a family of faith? Were your parents Christians? How was God in your life at that time in middle school?
- Through high school, did you continue to think, "Maybe God doesn't love me?" Or were you a typical high schooler and just basically, ignoring what happened?
- (18:15) What happened in your 20s that triggered everything to come crashing down?
- (25:07) For a woman that can carry the label of barren, God has filled your life with children. What drew you and your husband to begin foster parenting?
- (32:37) How did you end up adopting your youngest two children?
- (38:11) What are some of the positive changes you have seen in the child welfare system during the last 20 years?
- (41:26) In regards to child welfare, is there anything you would like to see the body of Christ do better?
Quotes to Remember:
"[M]y pediatrician came back into town and read my chart....[H]e called an OB GYN who did some exams on me and did exploratory surgery and when they opened me up, my uterus was completely full of infection.... The infection was leaking into my bladder....[T]hey realized they had to do a hysterectomy, because my uterus was so expanded with infection that if it ruptured, it would have killed me instantly."
"I knew from the very minute I woke up from surgery, that I couldn't have kids....I didn't fully understand the impact of it because I was only 11, but I immediately started to internalize feeling lesser than."
"I think there was two sides to me....My nickname when I was young was little trooper.... so in my head, I'm like, I'm a trooper, I'm just gonna be strong, because that's what I have to be is strong....But I really thought I would never be loved by someone. Who would want a wife that couldn't have babies."
Related Episodes:
- 105: Cheri Jimenez | What is A Safe Family?
- 37: Dr. Lindsay Hinson | Foster Parenting
- 48: Tori Hope Petersen | Hope for the Foster Child
- 64: Natalie Maxwell | A Story of Special Needs Adoption
Connect with Caroline Bailey at barrentoblessed.com
and on FB
Follow Grace Enough Podcast on IG and FB
and www.graceenoughpodcast.com

Tuesday Mar 16, 2021
109: Amy Watson | Abuse Survivor & Living with PTSD
Tuesday Mar 16, 2021
Tuesday Mar 16, 2021
Amy Watson joins me to discuss growing up in a state of turmoil that involved trauma and neglect, meeting Jesus in a children's home, 12 years of domestic abuse, living with complex PTSD and how Jesus is the star of her story.
Questions Amy and I Discuss:
- (4:09) The definition of turmoil is a state of great disturbance, confusion, or uncertainty and it is fitting of portions of your childhood. Take us back and share with our listeners a little about your childhood experiences.
- (9:14) When you did enter the children's home,? Who came along to say no more, this ?
- (6:47) Tell us a little bit about the children's home, you say it was some of the best years of your life.
- (21:25) How did you end up attending a Christian college?
- (23:16) You eventually met and married a man who abused you to the point of almost taking your life. Tell us about your relationship.
Quotes to Remember:
"I am a survivor of a lot of trauma."
"I love my mom, I didn't understand why she locked us in a room. I didn't understand why we didn't get food. I didn't understand why the physical abuse happened and why she let all this stuff happen. And so from the time I was seven to 14 when I went to a children's home, the definition of my life was absolute turmoil."
"I was there [children's home] for about 30 minutes....She said, 'Has anybody told you today that they love you?' And I just looked at her and said, 'No, ma'am.' She said, 'Well, I'm Mom McGowan, and I love you.'."
Related Episodes:
- 101: Paula LeJeune | When God’s Love and Adversity Collide
- 94: Mary DeMuth | Hope After Sexual Abuse
- 50: Rebecca Bender | Freedom From Human Trafficking
Connect with Amy Watson amywatsonauthor.com
and listen to Wednesdays with Watson
Follow Grace Enough Podcast on IG and FB
and www.graceenoughpodcast.com

Tuesday Mar 09, 2021
108: Amy Hale | How Bible Study Changed My Life
Tuesday Mar 09, 2021
Tuesday Mar 09, 2021
Amy Hale joins me to discuss how her life changed when she began digging into God Word daily, becoming an accidental Instagram influencer, and cultivating conversation with God.
Questions Amy and I Discuss:
- (4:58) When Did you come to know Jesus? Tell us a little bit about your faith journey.
- (8:06) What led you to finally open up God's Word?
- (12:22) Why did you begin sharing what God was revealing to you on Instagram?
- (14:28) As a teacher of God's Word have you ever had a dark night of the soul or intense personal challenges?
- (20:58) Why is it important to praise God when you rise?
- (23:49) What is color coding? Why have you found it so valuable in your studying of God's word?
- (33:06) On Instagram, what has been one of the most encouraging things to come from interacting with these women?
- (37:30) What would you say to that woman out there who's struggling to get into God's word?
Quotes to Remember:
"I grew up in church, but I did not read my Bible."
"I was 45 ish years old when I realized God's word is more than important and a good thing, it's necessary."
"I saw quickly how hungry women were to open up the Word. I realized I had not been alone."
"I've had women tell me the way that I would share [God's Word] made it seem less intimidating, made it seem safe and inviting."
"My friend Lisa Whittle, taught me the phrase, We need to lock eyes with God'....when I take a break from social media, it's usually because I have no longer locked eyes with Him. I have started looking around at what other people are doing."
"I get up in the mornings and want to do a million different things when what I need to do is to first be alone with the Lord. And so praising Him before I do anything else... is setting my feet on the right path."
Related Episodes:
- 104: Susie Rowan | Bible Study Fellowship, Executive Director
- 99: Jen Wilkin | Women of The Word
- 95: Nancy Guthrie | God Does His Best Work With Empty
Connect with Amy Hale on IG
or Facebook
Follow Grace Enough Podcast on IG and FB
and www.graceenoughpodcast.com