
Tuesday Dec 08, 2020
97: Hannah Anderson | Goodness and The Lost Art of Discernment
Tuesday Dec 08, 2020
Tuesday Dec 08, 2020
Hannah Anderson joins me on the Grace Enough Podcast to discuss the pursuit of goodness, derived from the character of God, and how it helps develop discernment in us.
Questions Hannah and I Discussed:
- (6:37) You have described the digital age as disorienting. What do you mean by that?
- (13:28) As Christians our initial response is often to close ourselves off to the world and the news and live in a bubble that we perceive as safe, but you challenge your reader to take up Paul’s charge to the Phillipians. Share a little about that with us.
- (19:54) In my limited experience, what I have found is people really don’t understand discernment. In your book, All That’s Good, you take the reader on a journey of understanding discernment. For someone, who may struggle to understand discernment in practical terms how would you break it down?
- (31:57) We have taken the word goodness and attached a definition to it. That is we aren’t good. There is nothing in us, which is good, which is true, but that’s not what you’re talking about when you’re talking about. Goodness, it’s not about earning God’s favor, as much as it is God’s image in all people. Tease that out for us.
- (39:19) “We miss a world of good, beautiful things because we are so worried about making ourselves good and beautiful that we don’t have time to see that God has already made us good and beautiful through His Son. And we miss His good gifts because we are too busy trying to earn them.” If you could charge the listener to go into the world, into challenging and uncomfortable situations and seek out the good, what final thoughts would you share with them?
Quotes to Remember:
“I don’t think we’re any more naive or gullible than any other time in history, but we just have a lot more that we’re being asked to process.”
“So for Paul, the pursuit of silencing the chaos in our minds is not withdraw, it’s engagement in a certain way. It’s engaging with the world, looking for things that are true, honorable, just pure, lovely, commendable and excellent…. Instead of just staying away from the bad things, I want you to learn what goodness looks like, because then you’ll be able to see it, and then you’ll be able to move toward it.”
Related Episodes:
- 90: Hillary Morgan Ferrer | Empowering Your Kids To Challenge Cultural Lies
- 52: Jonathan Gibson | Proclaiming God Is Good After Infant Loss
- 40: Tim Challies | Spiritual Discernment
Episode Sponsor:
SHOP NOW at Hope & Vine
Enter GRACE-2020 at checkout for 15 % off.
Follow Hannah Anderson on Twitter and at sometimesalight.com
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Tuesday Dec 01, 2020
96: Alisa Childers | Truth In Response To Progressive Christianity
Tuesday Dec 01, 2020
Tuesday Dec 01, 2020
Alisa Childers joins me to discuss progressive Christianity and her journey of rebuilding her faith after being taught by a progressive pastor.
Questions Alisa and I Discussed:
- (5:21) You have walked with Jesus a long time and as an adult you experienced a faith crisis when you began attending a Sunday School class led by one of the church pastors. Will you share a bit of that story with us?
- (9:22) What were some of the steps you took to dig in and research if you what you had believed as a Christian was true?
- (14:24) It was not a university professor that challenged all you believed, but a progressive Christian pastor. What is progressive Christianity and what are some of their core beliefs?
- (18:24) Share a little about what you discovered when you began to research why the Bible is the inspired, inerrant, infallible Word of God?
- (31:07) How do progressives view the Bible?
- (34:49) Listener Question (Erica): What are some buzz words or red flags that may point toward progressive Christian thought?
- (39:10) Progressive Christianity can be very subtle changes made to God’s Word and often seem true and good and right. How do you encourage Christians to educate and prepare themselves to interact with progressive Christian claims?
- (47:31) We are both commanded to love God and love our neighbor. How are these commands being misinterpreted by progressive Christian thoughts and ideas?
Quotes to Remember:
“So the Christianity that I grew up with was very wholistic…it wasn’t just a Sunday thing and it wasn’t just a church thing. This was something that we lived as a family.”
“The pastor invited me to be a part of this small class situation that he compared to seminary…. In the context of the class, the pastor early on, revealed that he was actually agnostic and that really kind of shook me…because by this point I had come to respect this guy, and really trust him as a pastor….Over the course of about four months, just about everything that I ever believed about God, and Jesus, and the Bible, in particular, was picked apart and explained away.
Related Episodes:
- 90: Hillary Morgan Ferrer | Empowering Kids To Challenge Cultural Lies
- 77: Rosaria Butterfield | Christian Identity, Intersectionality
Episode Sponsor:
SHOP NOW at Hope & Vine
Enter GRACE-2020 at checkout for 15 % off.
Follow Alisa Childers on YouTube and at alisachilders.com
Follow Grace Enough Podcast on IG and FB

Tuesday Nov 24, 2020
95: Nancy Guthrie | God Does His Best Work With Empty
Tuesday Nov 24, 2020
Tuesday Nov 24, 2020
Nancy Guthrie joins me to discuss how God filled her emptiness after the loss of baby Hope and Gabriel, how God demonstrates He does His best work with empty through the Scriptures, and her passion for God’s Word.
Questions Nancy and I Discussed:
- (8:32) God Does His Best Work With Empty was born out of your own personal experience and the respite retreats you lead with your husband. For those unfamiliar with your family’s story of loss and your ministry, will you share that with us?
- (15:39) How did the idea that God does His best work with empty come about?
- (18:57) You write, “Sometimes your sense of emptiness haunts you as an undefined yet relentless ache. At other times it overwhelms you as an undeniable agony. It is amazing to me how heavy the weight of emptiness can feel, how much room emptiness can take up in our souls, how much pain can be caused by something that isn’t even there.” What are some ways you began working through the emptiness experienced when you lost your children?
- (24:26) As you began to trace the theme of emptiness in the Bible, what were some things that jumped out at you?
- (28:41) You point out 8 ways God fills our emptiness. One of those is God fills our emptiness with His grace. Will you share how the story of Naomi demonstrates that truth?
- (33:08) You clearly love God’s Word and have been faithful to teach it to women in your local church, around the world and now are generously teaching other women how to study and teach it. Share a little of how you’ve seen God develop that love, that passion in you over the years.
- (38:35) How do you go about deciding which book in the Bible you’re going to teach?
- (43:54) Listener question from Allison McCoy: How do you avoid being moralistic when teaching the Bible, but still make applications for your audience?
Resources Mentioned:
- Book: God Does His Best Work With Empty
- Biblical Theology Workshop For Women
- Respite Retreat
- Book: Holding Onto Hope
- Book: Hearing Jesus Speak To Your Sorrow
- Book: Saints and Scoundrels
- Bible Study Fellowship
- Book: Even Better Than
- Preaching Christ in A Postmodern World: Teaching Seminars by Dr. Tim Keller and Dr. Edmund Clowney
Related Episodes:
- 52: Jonathan Gibson | Proclaiming God is Good After Infant Loss
- 51: Vaneetha Risner | When Suffering is Your Story
- 36: Treva Kuyper | Hope and Healing After Unexpected Loss
Episode Sponsor:
Hope & Vine
SHOP NOW at Hope & Vine
Enter GRACE-2020 at checkout for 15 % off.
Follow Nancy Guthrie on IG and at nancyguthrie.com
Follow Grace Enough Podcast on IG and FB

Tuesday Nov 17, 2020
94: Mary DeMuth | Hope After Sexual Abuse
Tuesday Nov 17, 2020
Tuesday Nov 17, 2020
Mary DeMuth joins me to share her story of being sexual abused as a 5 year old girl and how God re-storied her through the ministry of Young Life. Mary also shares how the church can redemptively respond to the sexual abuse crisis.
Questions Mary and I Discussed:
- (5:23) You say, "Not only have I been restored, I have been re-storied." Take us back to your childhood and share what happened to you at 5 years old?
- (13:03) What were some of those wounds that you carried with you and likely continue to work through today?
- (17:27) What were your teens years like?
- (20:10) At 15, you met Jesus through Young Life. Tell us about that experience.
- (29:00) You have written, "He changed my I was statements into I am statements." Will you share some of those with us?
- (31:21) One of your recent books is We Too: How the Church Can Respond Redemptively to the Sexual Abuse Crisis. First, what are some ways we are missing the mark?
- (37:19) As followers of Jesus, what are some ways we can respond redemptively to sexual abuse?
Quotes to Remember:
"It's extremely rare for a child to tell, so the fact that I did is surprising, but the sad thing is the babysitter did nothing."
"I was thinking to myself, not a soul in this world cares about me, no one's gonna take care of me."
"I would say the greatest wound is or the greatest manifestation of my sexual abuse.... is disconnection. When all this abuse was happening, I would disassociate and fly away in my mind."
Related Episodes:
- 71: Krista Boan | Tips For Parents In The Digital Age
- 54: Nick Stumbo | Discovering Freedom From Pornography
- 91: Mary Flo Ridley | Let’s Talk Birds and Bees
Episode Sponsors:
Heather M. Dixon | Author, Speaker, Bible Teacher
BIBLE STUDY: Renewed: Finding Hope When You Don’t Like Your Story
Hope & Vine
Enter GRACE-2020 at checkout for 15 % off.
Follow Mary DeMuth on IG and at marydemuth.com
Follow Grace Enough Podcast on IG and FB

Tuesday Nov 10, 2020
93: Lynn Cowell | Developing Strong Relationships With Your Daughters
Tuesday Nov 10, 2020
Tuesday Nov 10, 2020
Lynn Cowell joins me to discuss the importance of being available, approachable, and partnering with the Holy Spirit to develop our children's gifts, particularly our daughters.
Questions Lynn and I Discussed:
- (5:16) Share how you came to know Jesus
- (6:33) Take us back to when your daughters were young. What were their personalities like?
- (9:33) What were some of the intentional steps you took to develop a strong relationship with them at a young age?
- (12:10) How did you experience the benefits of that as they became teens and now adults?
- (19:09) One of the biggest fears I face is the fear of not having a close relationship with my kids as they get older and become adults. How would you encourage someone like me, who has an 8 year old daughter, to develop that strong mother/daughter relationship in the early years?
- (23:58) In our world today there are so many conflicting messages for young girls and women about what makes you a strong woman. When you began facing that reality as a mom, how did you teach your daughters about being kind and gentle, yet bold and courageous?
- (31:40) What do you hope a girl walks away with upon completion of your Loved and Cherished devotional?
Related Episodes:
- 28: Jodie Berndt "Praying The Scriptures For Your Children
- 90: Hillary Morgan Ferrer | Empowering Kids to Challenge Cultural Lies
- 91: Mary Flo Ridley | Let’s Talk Birds and Bees
- 89: Meg Glesener | Casting Vision For Your Family
- 57: Kristen Hatton | Redemptive Parenting
- 69: Sam and Amber Cullum | Sabbath As A Family
- 71: Krista Boan | Tips For Parents In The Digital Age
- 34: Dr. Michelle Deering | Mother/Daughter Relationships
Episode Sponsors:
Spiritual Seeds Planner
Heather M. Dixon | Author, Speaker, Bible Teacher
BIBLE STUDY: Renewed: Finding Hope When You Don’t Like Your Story
Follow Lynn Cowell on Facebook and at lynncowell.com
Follow Grace Enough Podcast on IG and FB

Tuesday Nov 03, 2020
92: Ted Turnau & Jared Moore | The Pop Culture Parent
Tuesday Nov 03, 2020
Tuesday Nov 03, 2020
Ted Turnau and Jared Moore join me to discuss how becoming familiar with pop culture and discussing it with our children actually helps them engage their world for Christ.
Questions Ted, Jared and I Discussed:
- (5:14) What led you to write the pop culture parent?
- (9:24) How do you define pop culture?
- (10:41) Christians tend to avoid or forbid anything related to pop culture, whether it be R-rated movies or secular music, what are some of the dangers in taking that approach?
- (12:18) Ted you've said, “Popular culture shapes imagination and inner worlds. It creates connections between them and their friends. They need parents to help them see how the gospel shines in contrast to what the world offers. They need training in discernment and wisdom as ambassadors of Christ to their friends. They need to learn the cultural language of the land to which God calls them: their own culture.” How can we go about engaging popular culture with our kids now to help them see the gospel in contrast to the world?
- (22:40) For the parent of a toddler or early elementary child that may be listening, provide an example of how they can engage their child in their interests now to begin laying a foundation for more spiritual conversations later?
- (33:34) Will you walk us through the 5 Simple Questions to ask about popular culture?
- (41:21) What final encouragement do you have for parents?
Quotes to Remember:
"Popular culture is not the equivalent to bad culture, which is what a lot of Christians take it to mean." -Ted
"This is a popular culture world that we live in. Do we want to train our children to live in this world? Or do we want to train them to live in a world that doesn't exist? You can't evangelize in that world that doesn't exist. We live in this world and so let us train our children to be in this popular cultural world but not of it."
Related Episodes:
- 71: Krista Boan | Tips For Parents In The Digital Age
- 90: Hillary Morgan Ferrer | Empowering Kids to Challenge Cultural Lies
- 91: Mary Flo Ridley | Let's Talk Birds and Bees
- 89: Meg Glesener | Casting Vision For Your Family
- 28: Jodie Berndt “Praying The Scriptures For Your Children
- 57: Kristen Hatton | Redemptive Parenting
Episode Sponsor:
Heather M. Dixon | Author, Speaker, Bible Teacher
BIBLE STUDY: Renewed: Finding Hope When You Don’t Like Your Story
Follow Ted Turnau on Twitter: @tedturnau
Follow Jared Moore on Twitter: @JaredhMoore
Follow Grace Enough Podcast on IG and FB

Tuesday Oct 27, 2020
91: Mary Flo Ridley| Let's Talk Birds and Bees
Tuesday Oct 27, 2020
Tuesday Oct 27, 2020
Mary Flo Ridley joins me to talk about simple, foundational conversations to have with our children, ranging from toddlers to teens, that will shape their sexual health for years to come.
Questions Mary Flo and I Discussed:
- (4:25) Even in 2020, I have conversations with friends who cringe when it comes to having the “birds and bees” talk with their children. We deal with questions like when is it the right time, what should I say, and so on, but Birds and Bees is all about getting rid of this idea that this is a one-time conversation in parenting. What are you hoping to see in exchange?
- (9:12) Let’s begin by talking to the parents who have toddlers, what is a conversation pattern they can establish to show their children they are the loving authority on the topic of their bodies?
- (13:36) What are some key conversations and general language parents can practice with their elementary age children?
- (19:11) The average age someone first sees pornography is 11 yo and are as likely to see it accidentally as on purpose. How do you encourage parents to deal with discussing pornography with their children?
- (27:20) For parents of middle and high school age children (or really all young parents), talking about masturbation and puberty feels daunting. How do you encourage parents to address this topic?
- (32:30) Birds & Bees offers a curriculum. What can one expect if they use your curriculum?
- (36:15) Do you have any encouragement for the parent who feels like they are “behind” or have failed to create an open dialogue surrounding sex and our bodies?
- (39:38) Lastly, what are some books and other resources you would recommend to parents on this topic?
Quotes to Remember:
“What is the main thing you want your children to know about sex? If they’re growing up in your family? If you could give that answer in one sentence? What would that sentence be?”
Related Episodes:
- 71: Krista Boan | Tips For Parents In The Digital Age
- 54: Nick Stumbo | Discovering Freedom From Pornography
- 90: Hillary Morgan Ferrer | Empowering Kids to Challenge Cultural Lies
Episode Sponsor:
Heather M. Dixon | Author, Speaker, Bible Teacher
BIBLE STUDY: Renewed: Finding Hope When You Don’t Like Your Story
Follow Birds & Bees on IG and at birds-bees.com
Follow Grace Enough Podcast on IG and FB

Tuesday Oct 20, 2020
90: Hillary Morgan Ferrer | Empowering Kids To Challenge Cultural Lies
Tuesday Oct 20, 2020
Tuesday Oct 20, 2020
Hillary Morgan Ferrer joins me to discuss some myths that Christians are tempted to believe when it comes to children and their faith. We also talk how to help our kids recognize false messages, the chew and spit method, linguistic theft, and the R.O.A.R. method that has been so helpful in my journey of separating truth from the subtle lies that bombard us daily.
Questions Hillary and I Discussed:
- (3:35) Define apologetics and why you’re so passionate about parents embracing the role of apologist in the lives of their children.
- (6:00) What are some of the myths we, as followers of Jesus, are tempted to believe when it comes to our children and their faith?
- (16:50) Share a little about helping our kids discern truth from lies, what you deem the “chew and spit” method.
- (29:38) In Mamabear Apologetics, you devote a whole chapter to linguistic theft. What is linguistic theft and how are we seeing it play it out right now in our culture?
- (38:13) You advise parents to gain a clear understanding of each “ism” so that we can recognize which one is affecting our children. Will you share an overview of the “ism”s you are referring to and why it is important to know them?
- (45:53) Lastly, there is no question we are living in a post-Christian culture here in America. Share the ROAR method with our listeners to help them address the lies we face on a daily basis.
Quotes to Remember:
“We have this idea that faith is this feeling that we conjure up when we don’t know something, but I’m just gonna believe it anyway, despite the evidence. That is a horrible definition of faith. A better definition of faith is if we go back to Scripture, to Hebrews 11:1 where it says faith is being sure of what you hope for and certain of what you do not see. So anything that makes you more sure and more certain increases your faith. It’s the idea of responding to available evidence.”
Related Episodes:
- 49: Jeremy Pryor | Family Teams
- 57: Kristen Hatton | Redemptive Parenting
- 71: Krista Boan | Tips For Parents In The Digital Age
- 81: Tricia Goyer | Calming Angry Kids
- 77: Rosaria Butterfield | Christian Identity, Intersectionality
Follow Hillary Ferrer and Mamabear Apologetics on Facebook and listen at Mamabearapologetics.com
Follow Grace Enough Podcast on IG and FB

Tuesday Oct 13, 2020
89: Meg Glesener | Family Vision Casting
Tuesday Oct 13, 2020
Tuesday Oct 13, 2020
Meg Glesener joins me to discuss some practical ways to cast vision in your family, how it empowers your children to focus on the big picture and how it promotes family unity.
Questions Meg and I Discussed:
- (5:29): Today, we are going to talk about casting a vision for your family. Give our listeners a little background about the family you grew up in and how you came to know Jesus.
- (16:07) What led you and your husband to begin intentionally casting vision in your family?
- (21:59) In your family, how did you go about casting vision? (Together, as individuals, etc.)
- (28:47) How did having a family vision help you and your children?
- (30:18) For the listener, who is feeling the nudge to cast a vision for his/her family, what steps would you encourage them to take?
- (35:48) What are some final words about family vision casting you would like the listener to take away?
Quotes to Remember:
"My childhood was pretty messy. In my in our home growing up there were so many strikes against me."
"I think when you take that extra time to build an environment of love and teamwork, and we're all serving God together when they're young that carries into their teen years."
"Casting a vision happens in the non-confrontational moments when the kids are the best versions of themselves, and they want to participate."
Resources Mentioned:
Related Episodes:
- 49: Jeremy Pryor | Family Teams
- 28: Jodie Berndt "Praying The Scriptures For Your Children
- 57: Kristen Hatton | Redemptive Parenting
- 69: Sam and Amber Cullum | Sabbath As A Family
- 81: Tricia Goyer | Calming Angry Kids
Follow Meg Glesener on Facebook and listen to Letters From Home Podcast
Follow Grace Enough Podcast on IG and FB

Tuesday Oct 06, 2020
88: Taylor Schumann | Other Side Of Surviving A School Shooting
Tuesday Oct 06, 2020
Tuesday Oct 06, 2020
Taylor Schumann joins me to discuss surviving a school shooting, the long work of healing and trauma recovery, gun reform, thoughts and prayers, and her faith in Jesus.
Questions Taylor and I Discussed:
- (2:25) Before we fully launch into your story tell us a little about your faith journey with Jesus. When did you come to know Him?
- (3:20) Take us back to 2013 and share with our listeners what happened to you on that day and how your life was forever changed
- (14:54) What were some of the hardest things you faced in the days and months following the shooting?
- (19:51) In a Christianity Today article you wrote, "I have a complicated relationship with thoughts and prayers." Expound on that a bit for us.
- (25:48) You are passionate about holding the American Christian church accountable to its pro-life claims. In your experience, how does pro-life accountability involve gun reform?
- (34:08) For those listening, who are tempted to stop listening or look away or launch into all of the BUTS that come along with gun reform activism what would you like to share with them?
Quotes to Remember:
"The bullet went through my left hand"
"He attempted to shoot through the door a second time, but it missed me."
SHOW NOTES continued
Follow Taylor Schumann on Twitter and at taylorschumman.com
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