
Monday Jul 26, 2021
CIJ 2: Dwell Differently | Natalie Abbott
Monday Jul 26, 2021
Monday Jul 26, 2021
The co- founder of Dwell Differently, Natalie Abbott sits down with Amber to share how and why Dwell designs temporary tattoos, key tags, stickers and prints to help you memorize one Bible verse a month.
Christmas in July Questions:
- What is the mission behind Dwell?
- Share a bit of the backstory of Dwell.
- When someone purchases from Dwell, what can they expect to receive?
- What do you love about the work you are doing with Dwell?
- What is one of your most popular products/memberships?
Favorite Products:
Episode Sponsor:
A firm, Christian-based worldview is the springboard needed in today’s world which can be attained with a SchoolhouseTeachers.com education.
Use code: EXPLORE
Follow Grace Enough Podcast on IG and FB
and www.graceenoughpodcast.com

Sunday Jul 25, 2021
CIJ 1: Hope + Vine | Rachael Smith
Sunday Jul 25, 2021
Sunday Jul 25, 2021
The founder of Hope + Vine, Rachael Smith sits down with Amber to share how Hope + Vine employs and mentors women aging out of the foster care system.
Christmas in July Questions:
- What is the mission behind Hope + Vine?
- Share a bit of the backstory of Hope + Vine.
- When someone purchases from Hope + Vine, how are they impacting your employees?
- What do you love about the work you are doing with Hope + Vine?
- What is one of your most popular/favorite products?
Favorite Products:
Episode Sponsor:
A firm, Christian-based worldview is the springboard needed in today’s world which can be attained with a SchoolhouseTeachers.com education.
Use code: EXPLORE
to pay only $179 for a two-year Ultimate Membership during SchoolhouseTeachers.com’s Explore the World BOGO event!
Follow Grace Enough Podcast on IG and FB
and www.graceenoughpodcast.com

Tuesday Jul 20, 2021
125: Laura Perry | Transgender to Transformed
Tuesday Jul 20, 2021
Tuesday Jul 20, 2021
Laura Perry joins Amber to discuss living as a transgender male for 10 years, her life leading up to the transition, and the transformation she experienced through the Word of God, Jesus, and the faithful prayers of her mother.
Questions Laura and I Discuss:
- (2:13) What was life like for you as a young girl? Did you grow up with Christian parents? Did you fit in at school?
- (5:38) At age 8 you were molested and that only compounded your feelings of wanting to be a boy. How so?
- (6:55) What was your relationship like with your parents during your teen and young adult years?
- (15:23) By 2008, you had began transitioning to a man. What measures did you take?
- (22:15) You were fully living as a transgender male, but you realized all the physical change had not made you happy. What was going on internally during those years?
- .......
Memorable Quotes from Transgender to Transformed:
"I grew up with this just real identity crisis, not knowing who I was, not feeling like I fit in."
"[Y]ou hear that you're wonderfully made. If that's true, then God's a jerk. That's how I began to view God. He did this just to make me miserable."
"I wanted to be the opposite of a Christian, whatever that was."
"[A] lot of times we get so focused on whatever sin they're involved in and we think that's the problem, but the problem is so much deeper. In every story I've ever heard, there's always a reason that they turn to these sinful lifestyles, and most of the time, it's a distorted view of God. They feel like God has failed them, or they don't trust God, or if God is good, why did He do this? or Why did He allow this, and that's common across every story that I hear."
"When we hang on to bitterness and unforgiveness and resentment, it leads to defilement and fornication because we start trying to gratify our flesh, rather than dealing with all the pain that's inside." [based on reading from Hebrews 12:15-16]
"I began to get very, very deep into sexual sin, trying so hard to fix the brokenness in me by just satisfying the flesh."
"I wanted to be a man, but I didn't know there was anything I could do about it. I had never heard the word transgender."
Related Episodes:
- 102: Christopher Yuan | Transformation & Holy Sexuality
- 77: Rosaria Butterfield | Christian Identity & Intersectionality
- 52: Nick Stumbo | Freedom From Pornography
Episode Sponsor:
Green Roof Gallery
Take 15% off with the code: Grace15 through July and August 2021.
Shop Green Roof Gallery today.
Connect with Laura Perry at transgendertotransformed.com
Follow Grace Enough Podcast on IG and FB
and www.graceenoughpodcast.com

Tuesday Jul 13, 2021
124: Joe Delagrave | Story of Becoming A Paralympian
Tuesday Jul 13, 2021
Tuesday Jul 13, 2021
Joe Delagrave joins me to discuss the tragic event that changed his life, wrestling with his identity in Christ and his identity as an athlete and becoming a paralympic rugby player, who will be competing in Tokyo in a few short weeks.
Questions Joe and I Discuss:
- (3:28) As we dive into your story, set the stage by sharing a bit about your childhood and your love of sports.
- (5:01) You were a college athlete, playing division II football, as a college freshman, but on July 10, 2004, a defining event took place that changed your life. What happened?
- (15:00) You’ve said identity is something you’ve wrestled with throughout your life. As a 19 year old boy relearning to do everything, how would you describe that wrestling?
- (22:18) How did you relationship with Jesus change from that point forward?
- (28:11) How did wheelchair rugby become a part of your life?
- (39:48) You are training for the Tokyo ParaOlympics, how do you keep your walk with Jesus and your family priority in the midst of such intense training?
- (47:09) What would you like to say to someone listening who has experienced a life altering accident?
Quotes to Remember:
“My hands are behind my head. Kyle accidentally hits the bottom of the river….the chair broke, I flew backwards, hit my head on the front of the boat and instantly broke my neck at the C6/7 level.”
” ‘Joe, you’ve sustained a spinal cord injury and we need to medflight you up to the bigger hospital to have surgery.’ And that’s when life drastically changed.”
“And really what had transpired was that verse on my wall [Proverbs 3:5-6], started to change my heart.”
“It took me a long time to realize that my miracle was choosing to get in the chair.”
“My miracle was a spiritual transformation that was taking place by giving my heart to Jesus.”
“My success isn’t defined by a gold medal. It’s defined by a permanent victory in Jesus.”
Related Episodes:
- 88: Taylor Schumann | Other Side of Surviving a School Shooting
- 52: Jonathan Gibson | Proclaiming God is Good After Infant Loss
- 51: Vaneetha Risner | When Suffering Is Your Story
- 36: Treva Kuyper | Hope and Healing After Unexpected Loss
Episode Sponsor:
Green Roof Gallery
Take 15% off with the code: Grace15 through July and August 2021.
Shop Green Roof Gallery today.
Connect withJoe Delagrave at joedelagrave.com
Follow Grace Enough Podcast on IG and FB
and www.graceenoughpodcast.com

Tuesday Jun 22, 2021
123: Rebecca Pippert |Share the Faith You Live
Tuesday Jun 22, 2021
Tuesday Jun 22, 2021
Rebecca (Becky) joins me to discuss sharing the faith you live in a post-Christian world, celebrating God's power in our weakness, and asking good questions like Jesus.
Questions Becky and I Discuss:
(9:23) When did you begin walking with Jesus? Briefly share a bit of your faith journey with us.
(16:20) Let's go back to when you first released your best-selling book Out of the Saltshaker, what did you hope a book on evangelism would accomplish 40 years ago?
(22:39) Forty years later you decided to write a new book on evangelism: Stay Salt: The World Has Changed your Message Must Not. Why?
(26:21 and 37:25) What I found helpful in Stay Salt is that you write not only about how the world has changed, but you address how to deal with our feelings of inadequacy, lack of confidence, and knowledge. What are some ways you encourage Christians to overcome those feelings when sharing about Jesus in our post-Christian world?
(37:25) Can you share with us how to bring up in the subject of faith in our conversations without sounding pushy or intrusive?
- (41:36) How do we move from a natural conversation, a normal conversation to a spiritual one? (continuation of #5)
Quotes to Remember:
"The way He [Jesus] communicated the gospel was tied to the person, tied to their longings. He never treated anyone like an evangelistic project."
"Biblical evangelism is threefold.....
"So what's changed? We have been living in a world and particularly in the West, that is dominated by what I call the lethal distortions of post modernity. And that wasn't true when I wrote Out of the Salt Shaker. What do I mean by the lethal distortions, [of post modernity]? The collapse of absolute truth."
"We're not the Creator, we are God dependent. We are not self sufficient. God doesn't send us out empty handed. He's provided everything we need for witness through the power of the Holy Spirit, the power of the truth of the gospel, the power of Jesus love. But not only that, He is delighted to reveal His glory, through human weakness."
"One of the underlying themes of all of Scripture: God reveals His glory through human weakness."
"Where we need to begin in evangelism is, celebrate our smallness, and then lean on the power of the Holy Spirit."
"When we're talking to somebody, how often we think, what if I don't have the right answer? What if I'm not clever enough? What if I can't do that? That's not the point. It is that we have another who dwells within us. We've got to start learning how to lean on the Spirit. We may very well not be great evangelists. But you see, it isn't self confidence that we need. It's God confidence."
Related Episodes:
Episode Sponsor:
Dwell Differently
Dwell helps you memorize one verse every month by taking the first letter of every word in a verse stringing them together in a cool design.
That's What Dads Are Made For book
Author, Amanda Glass creator of the made for book series helps kids and dads answer that question.
That's What Dads Are Made For is more than just a fun book with cute pictures. It's one that creates conversations that build meaningful connections
Connect with Becky Pippert at beckypippert.org
Follow Grace Enough Podcast on IG and FB
and www.graceenoughpodcast.com

Tuesday Jun 15, 2021
122: Debra Wallace | Hope After Betrayal & Trauma
Tuesday Jun 15, 2021
Tuesday Jun 15, 2021
Debra Wallace joins Amber to discuss the betrayal she experienced in her marriage, how Scripture memorization gave her strength and courage, and how she ministers to other women experiencing betrayal trauma.
Questions Debra and Amber Discuss:
- (3:54) Briefly share how you came to know Jesus.
- (4:27) Take our listeners back to your life as a new wife and mother. How would you have described your family?
- (6:34) 10 years into your marriage you discovered your husband was leading a double life. What did you discover and what was his response?
- (9:56) You stayed married for years after discovering the betrayal. Did you husband stop?
- (13:15) How long did you stay in this relationship with your husband before you finally said, I'm done?
- (15:17) What were your conversations with Jesus like during those 12 years?
- (18:13) When did Scripture memorization become crucial to your recovery?
- ......
Hope After Betrayal & Trauma Quotes to Remember:
"I brought him the phone and I asked him what was going on. He denied it....I would have loved to have believed it was a mistake, but the evidence was right there. I demanded to know the truth, so he confessed to having same sex affairs."
"It was like riding a roller coaster of hope and despair. I believed my husband when he said he wanted healing and recovery, but each time I realized another betrayal had happened we had to start rebuilding trust and forgiving again."
"The first verse I claimed over myself was Proverbs 31:25, 'I am clothed in strength and dignity. I can laugh about the future.' At the time, I was not strong . I was very weak. Dignity? I felt like a doormat. I knew I was a doormat and I couldn't do anything about it. I felt helpless."
"A husband who chooses to view porn or cheat on their wives usually has issues long before ever getting married. I had to learn that I wasn't the cause of my husband's issues. I had to learn I'm responsible for my own actions, but not for what other people choose to do."
"I'm just here to encourage and validate women and hopefully provide some hope that whether a marriage succeeds or not, if you have a relationship with the Lord, you can have joy again."
"There's all different kinds of betrayal, but it still just as painful. It doesn't matter what kind of betrayal, if it's porn use or prostitutes or same sex, whatever it is, you still have the same kind of healing that needs to take place."
Related Episodes:
- 102: Christopher Yuan | Transformation & Holy Sexuality
- 52: Nick Stumbo | Discovering Freedom From Pornography
- 78: Lisa Goldberg | Marriage Ministry After Infidelity
Episode Sponsors:
Dwell Differently
Dwell helps you memorize one verse every month by taking the first letter of every word in a verse stringing them together in a cool design.
That's What Dads Are Made For book
Author, Amanda Glass creator of the made for book series helps kids and dads answer that question.
That's What Dads Are Made For is more than just a fun book with cute pictures. It's one that creates conversations that build meaningful connections

Tuesday Jun 08, 2021
121: Vivian Mabuni | Willing Heart
Tuesday Jun 08, 2021
Tuesday Jun 08, 2021
Vivian Mabuni joins Amber to discuss investing your lives into others, so that they may know and walk with Jesus. We discuss our heart posture toward discipleship, inquiring of the Lord, and some practical ways to begin discipling others.
Questions Vivian and I Discuss:
- (8:39) How did you begin walking with Jesus?
- (17:14) God led you to a place of working with college students and discipling them and you have faithfully discipled them for decades. Share a bit about that journey.
- (20:36) Discipleship can be such a "big, churchy" word. How do you go about discipling someone?
- (26:24) In a culture, where we seem to go, go, go, yet often "feel" we aren't living out our purpose. In your book, Open Hands, Willing Heart: Discover the Joy of Saying Yes to God, you encourage your readers to look at the posture of their hearts. What does that mean? And how did that play out in your surrendering to God's will as a young college graduate?
- (34:34) Saying yes to everything asked of you is not necessarily saying yes to God. As believers continuously asking God for wisdom and discernment will help us know His calling. What are some common roadblocks to saying Yes to God?
- (38:37) How have you stayed focused on running the mile you're in?
- (44:33) To encourage our listeners will you share a story where you now know the outcome and it clearly points to the faithfulness of God?
Quotes to Remember:
"I followed through and I gave Him my whole life. I just said, 'I am all in'."
"Invest your life into others."
"I think that all believers can be in places where we are being mentored and discipled and we can seek to build into the next generation."
"I can share from my life experience, I can share what I'm learning in the Scriptures, I can continue to point each and every person to the Lord and His character, so that they are not dependent upon me, but are ultimately always dependent on the Lord."
Resources Mentioned:
Connect with Vivian Mabuni at vivianmabuni.com
Follow Grace Enough Podcast on IG and FB
and www.graceenoughpodcast.com
Episode Sponsor:
Dwell Differently
Dwell helps you memorize one verse every month by taking the first letter of every word in a verse stringing them together in a cool design.
That's What Dads Are Made For book
Author, Amanda Glass creator of the made for book series helps kids and dads answer that question.
That's What Dads Are Made For is more than just a fun book with cute pictures. It's one that creates conversations that build meaningful connections

Tuesday Jun 01, 2021
120: Amanda Glass | That's What Dads Are Made For
Tuesday Jun 01, 2021
Tuesday Jun 01, 2021
Amanda Glass joins me to discuss the inspiration behind her book, That's What Dads Are Made For You may be thinking it came from a place of intimate connection with her dad, but it actually came out of a relationship where she didn't feel fully known by her dad. It wasn't until she had children of her own and her dad passed away that her eyes were opened to his present hand throughout her life. We also discuss her hope for That's What Dads Are Made For book and how Philippians 4:8 played into her journey.
Questions Amanda and I Discuss:
- (7:32) Take us back and share a little about your childhood.
- (11:32) Growing up what was your experience with Jesus like?
- (13:48) As a young girl you struggled with the level of quality time spent with your father. Share a bit about your relationship with your dad as a young girl and what you longed for.
- (16:34) Once you had children of your own and your father passed away you began to see that your father may not have been an emotional guy, but he did show his affection in simple, everyday moments. Tell us a bit about that discovery process.
- (22:29) Your perspective about your relationship with your father shifted so much that you decided to write a children's book: That's What Dads Are Made For. Why did you decide to write this book?
- (32:51) As we close, what encouragement would you give the women listening who lived in the same home with her father, but like you feels that he never connected with her?
Quotes to Remember:
"I grew up in a family rooted in love, but it was heavy on rules and behavior."
"Behaviors aren't just good and bad. Behaviors communicate to us ways that kids might be feeling tension that might exist."
"We [my dad and me] didn't have heart to heart conversations. He didn't ask me the details about my day. We had small moments of connection, but we didn't have that deep sense of connection that I was longing for."
"Learn about God and the Bible. Believe what it says about Him and how much He loves us. Get to know Him as Father and connect with Him and that's going to help you see your dad differently."
"I would just encourage them to think on Philippians 4:8. Pray over that and trust that God will come in and change their hearts."
Related Episodes:
- 80: Kia Stephens | Exchanging Father Wounds
- 34: Dr. Michelle Deering | Mother, Daughter Relationships
- 74: Susan Alexander Yates | Creating Connection Through Cousin Camp & Extended Family Gatherings
- 65: Jim Burns | Parents and Adult Children
Connect with Amanda Glass at themadeforbooks.com
Follow Grace Enough Podcast on IG and FB
and www.graceenoughpodcast.com
Episode Sponsor:
Dwell Differently
Dwell helps you memorize one verse every month by taking the first letter of every word in a verse stringing them together in a cool design.
That's What Dads Are Made For book
Author, Amanda Glass creator of the made for book series helps kids and dads answer that question.
That's What Dads Are Made For is more than just a fun book with cute pictures. It's one that creates conversations that build meaningful connections

Tuesday May 25, 2021
119: Sheila Gregoire | Exposing Lies Christians Believe About Sex
Tuesday May 25, 2021
Tuesday May 25, 2021
Sheila Gregoire joins Amber to discuss some of the harmful messages many popular Christian books have put out when it comes to sex, intimacy, and a man's need versus a woman's need. We also discuss her new book The Great Sex Rescue.
Questions Sheila and I Discuss:
- (3:34) Tell us a little about The Bare Marriage survey and what led you to embark on such a survey.
- (6:05) What would you say is one of the most damaging, widely held beliefs about sex and marriage in evangelical culture that is actually preventing us from fully engaging in sex as God intended?
- (12:15) Let's talk about sex and intimacy. What are the dangers of using those terms interchangeably?
- (13:58) We're teaching young boys and young girls to it basically places blame back on young girls, you be modest. Because if you're not, you're causing him to be tempted and to lust. What's the mixed message there?
- (18:02) In The Bare Marriage survey was "I didn't want to be naked in front of him" common response that may be related to the popular modesty discussion?
- (23:16) What needs to be the message we share with young Christian kids and young Christian adults to shift their mindset from what sex is intended for, compared to their previous experience or what they were taught in youth group?
- (26:16) Share about the dangers of duty sex.
- (31:03) Talk about communication between spouses being the key to good sex.
- (36:05) You say that the harmful beliefs you measured are common beliefs in the evangelical world, but you wouldn't necessarily call them Christian beliefs. What would you say ARE Christian beliefs about sex?
- (38:27) What do you hope The Great Sex Rescue accomplishes for Christians and their view of sex?
Quotes to Remember:
"All kinds of these books [Christian marriage books] talk about sex in terms of men's release, something that men need and that is just not the way the Bible talks about it....When we see it as something that men need, and women don't, then we can easily think all that's important during sex is that he gets release, and our experience doesn't even matter."
"I think that's why God uses sexual imagery to talk about His relationship with us. It's to tell us that sex is not just physical. It's a deep, intimate knowing, it's when you become totally vulnerable with one another in every way, and that is God's design for sex."
"We know from the Song of Solomon, that sex is also something which is really pleasurable for both people. It was never meant just for a man's release. It was meant for a woman's pleasure, as well."
Related Episodes:
- 38: Mo Isom | Sex, Jesus, and The Conversations The Church Forgot
- 91: Mary Flo Ridley | Let's Talk Birds and Bees
- 54: Nick Stumbo | Discovering Freedom From Pornography
Connect with Sheila Gregoire at tolovehonorandvacuum.com
Follow Grace Enough Podcast on IG and FB
and www.graceenoughpodcast.com
Episode Sponsor:
Kaleidoscope's vision is to help kids and parents bridge the gap between storybook bibles and adult translations, which are written at a high school level or higher.
Take 10% off today with the code: GRACE.

Tuesday May 18, 2021
118: Rashawn Copeland | When God Enters Your Mess
Tuesday May 18, 2021
Tuesday May 18, 2021
Rashawn Copeland joins Amber to discuss how God entered His mess when he was shot, when his football dreams were crushed, and when he was contemplating suicide. Now, he shares the love of Jesus online, because it is where Jesus met him.
When God Enters Your Mess Questions Rashawn and Amber Discuss:
- (5:10) Share a little of your childhood with us.
- (8:28) You were a successful high school football player with scholarship offers from Division 1 schools, but at age 17 those plans were thwarted. What happened?
- (14:50) After surviving being shot, you didn’t stick with God. What happened?
- (24:06) You’re in L.A., you’re the hype man for Soulja Boy, you’re wrapped up in money, sex, and fame, but a difficult break up left you feeling worthless and alone. Will you tell our listeners about that experience and how God met you in your mess?
- (30:55) What do you feel was so different about that time vs. when you were laying on the concrete?
- (32:50) You were contemplating suicide when you read the Facebook post that included Romans 8: 38-39. In that moment you surrendered your life to Jesus. What happened when you woke up the next day?
- (37:37) Why do you keep staying where you are and preaching the love of God?
- (39:49)Why did you write Start Where You Are?
When God Enters Your Mess Quotes to Remember:
“I would say I’m a minister who writes and a writer who preaches. I spend a lot of time online, social media, sharing the gospel, the love of God, through content and experiences…with folks.”
“If we want to reach people right now, with the greatest message of all time, which is the gospel, we need to meet them, not where we want them to be which is through our church doors…, but right where they are, where their attention is online. And I feel indebted to do so, because God met me there.”
“I was at the darkest, lowest, messiest moment of my life. And all I could do is cry out. My coaches weren’t there. My friends weren’t there. My brothers weren’t there. The girl wasn’t there. The only one I could call out too was God.”
Resources Mentioned:
- Book: Start Where You Are by Rashawn Copeland
Connect with Rashawn Copeland on IG and Tiktok
Follow Grace Enough Podcast on IG and FB
and www.graceenoughpodcast.com
Episode Sponsor:
Kaleidoscope's vision is to help kids and parents bridge the gap between storybook bibles and adult translations, which are written at a high school level or higher.
Take 10% off today with the code: GRACE.